

Online Courses

  • Khan Academy – arranged by grade
  • Math Planet – Math planet is an online resource where one can study math for free. Take our high school math courses in Pre-algebraAlgebra 1Algebra 2 and Geometry. We have also prepared practice tests for the SAT and ACT.
  • – “Need help with Integrated Math 3 (Algebra 2) or AP Calculus AB?  This website can help you.  Why the name WOWmath?  Well, I have found that many students, parents, and teachers say “WOW!” when they see all the resources offered on this website. “

Add-Ons for Google Docs

  • Wizkids – “Use Wizkids CAS to plot graphs and solve equations with the powerful math tool in your document.”
  • Yob – “Yob is a slick, powerful graph editor and analysis tool designed to complement Google Docs.”





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